Women at the Well

Jesus answered the woman at the well,  “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

In ancient times, the local well was a place where people would come to draw water for their families and animals- it provided sustenance to the people. Drawing water was life-giving in two major ways: First, it provided precious water in a dry and arid desert region; secondly, it was a place where everyday people gathered together to connect and share their lives and stories.   

The Women at the Well is a group of support connection, listening and community caring.  It is open to all who wish to belong and is a multi aged group  from young adult to retired women.    They meet every other month to share in the journey of being a woman of faith, struggle and story.  They gather to fill one another’s cup. Imperfect vessels of Good News, we come together in hope, honesty and courage. If you would like to join this ministry,  please reach out to Ministry Coordinator, Lisa Marshall or Pastor Beth.  
